Summer 2020: Day 3

I began the day with a run and ended it with a walk. If I could be prudent with how much I'm eating, I might be able to lose a few pounds in time for summer.

I attempted pork spare ribs on the grill. They didn't turn out that great -- the cut of ribs was kind of bizarre with its bones, and I probably needed to let it cook in foil longer than I did (but I swear, the recipe said one hour of heat was enough) -- but not every dinner I attempt will be a winner. At least yesterday's mostaccioli was outstanding.

Besides moving and grilling, I watched "Free Solo" and worked a little despite it being a holiday. May has really zipped by, but at least we get another week of it. I was really good about avoiding some of the coronavirus news last week, and I'll try again this week. The social media and news story comments are what fuels my annoyance -- and that should shape my strategy for these upcoming finale days of May. A shitstorm spike in cases might be coming, and it's totally out of my control, so rather than be peeved, I'll not let distressing current events and others' ignorance get me down, but instead enjoy my favorite time of year.

The sky was perfectly blue today. That's one thing summer should be. Don't let anything spoil that.


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