Summer 2020: Day 1

Memorial Day weekend is the traditional start of summer. It's really early this year (the earliest it can be), to the point it barely feels like May 23. Nevertheless, I'm beginning my summer blogging today. With the pandemic in progress (Day 71!), I'm ready to focus on something else.

Of course, this first day of "summer" didn't quite cooperate -- the weather turned cold and rainy last night, and though no rain fell today, it still was chilly. I went for a walk/run this morning, which felt great, then took a long nap. I also watched "Parasite" and started watching "Rocketman." Ben and I took the dog for walk in the late afternoon, and right now, I'm on the porch typing, waiting for the sun to set (which, this late, definitely feels like summer).

Salt Lake City always gets one more blast of cold before summer really takes hold, and about every other year, this seems to happen on Memorial Day weekend. The forecast is for 60s tomorrow, 70s on Monday, and 90s by Thursday. That works for me.

I usually stop my summer blogging endeavor on the Wednesday after Labor Day and before the first NFL games. That will equate to 110 days of experiences enjoyed and memories recorded. The time will surely and unfortunately go fast, but my goal is to savor each day.

Even on a day that felt more like March, that goal was achieved here at the start.


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