Summer 2020: Day 58

The third day of staycation was a little similar to the second day. In the evening, the boys and I went back to the old Saltair site to look at the comet. This time, Michael brought his tripod and managed to get some cool pictures. I brought the telescope that we haven't used in years, and that was more of a struggle -- I had trouble finding celestial bodies other than Jupiter in the finderscope and positioning the telescope to get a good look. Jupiter looked good, but alas, I couldn't get a good view of the comet.

Still, the excursion was fun and something we won't forget. The comet looked even clearer tonight, and simply spending time with the boys on an adventure was fun.

Michael worked in the morning and into the afternoon, so Ben and I spent a few hours searching for geocaches. Out of 11 sites, we found geocaches on seven, only striking out when we drove up Emigration Canyon looking for some that the app said were active. We took a lunch with and ate in the car.

I sunned in the backyard and read for a couple hours after we got back, then grilled flank steak for dinner to accompany a huge salad Lori made. I finished the new "Hunger Games" book in the evening before we drove out to the lake. Even though we are staying home, flying through a book as relaxation is a sure sign of a good vacation.


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