Summer 2020: Day 61

The temperature dropped today and rain actually fell. Michael worked and Ben had swim practice, so the plan was to go to see movies at the drive-in in the evening.

Unfortunately, the dog had a rough, rough day.

Popcorn had been moving slower for a couple weeks now, and it seemed like arthritis. She also has a cyst on her right side that has grown bigger over the past few months. This might have been causing more of the pain than any joint problems, because today, she was struggling to walk, and if we barely touched the cyst, she recoiled in a little bit of pain.

Even through the slowdown, she's kept up her super friendly personality -- but not today. She wouldn't walk over to her bowl to eat or drink, and she didn't want to go outside. Then, about 5 p.m., Lori noticed a little blood around the cyst. Michael and I took her to the veterinary ER, and by this time, a little more blood and some ugly, gross puss was slowly oozing. I didn't dare try draining it myself, and eventually, the veterinary techs came and brought her inside for an exam.

The cyst was drained and cleaned up, and Popcorn was brought back to the car, she was much happier and even spry. Although she might have just been happy to be returned (and she loves meeting new people, which might have improved her mood), she looked like she was in much less pain. When we got home, she immediately went for her food. The cyst's remnants (it still needs to be surgically removed; that's scheduled for next week) bled a little more, but it scabbed over. I let her sit outside with me, and she was happy to be out of the house.

The rest of the day was uneventful -- the drive-in was going to be the staycation highlight. I made a mostaccioli bake for dinner that turned out really well. At least we enjoyed the cool-off.


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