Summer 2020: Days 49-52
I'm ready for vacation, even if we aren't going anyplace. My time off starts Friday. After a sort of nondescript weekend, I'm looking forward to 10 days without having to think about work.

Saturday, the heat became a bit heated. I ran some errands and was pleased to see everyone in every store I went to was wearing masks. I unfortunately needed to go to Walmart twice. The rest of the day was lazy, though I grilled steaks for dinner.
Sunday was my day to enjoy the heat in the only body of water available right now -- this inflatable kiddie pool I bought. I filled it enough that I was able to dunk myself, which was cold but felt great. I sat by and in the pool, listened to music (my summer 1981 mix), solved logic puzzles and managed a nap. We ordered Five Guys for dinner.
This morning, I ran, then worked, then went for a short walk with Ben and Popcorn in the evening. This felt like a sludgy Monday, which has me looking toward vacation even more. On the plus side, it wasn't as hot -- but the heat should be back by the end of the week, in time for my break. The kiddie pool may be making another appearance soon.