Summer 2020: Days 49-52

I'm ready for vacation, even if we aren't going anyplace. My time off starts Friday. After a sort of nondescript weekend, I'm looking forward to 10 days without having to think about work.

Ben's confirmation was Friday, and it was mellow. Only his religious ed class was confirmed, so the church wasn't too crowded, and except for a couple people not wearing masks, the ceremony went off without a hitch. We went for ice cream afterward to celebrate.

Saturday, the heat became a bit heated. I ran some errands and was pleased to see everyone in every store I went to was wearing masks. I unfortunately needed to go to Walmart twice. The rest of the day was lazy, though I grilled steaks for dinner.

Sunday was my day to enjoy the heat in the only body of water available right now -- this inflatable kiddie pool I bought. I filled it enough that I was able to dunk myself, which was cold but felt great. I sat by and in the pool, listened to music (my summer 1981 mix), solved logic puzzles and managed a nap. We ordered Five Guys for dinner.

This morning, I ran, then worked, then went for a short walk with Ben and Popcorn in the evening. This felt like a sludgy Monday, which has me looking toward vacation even more. On the plus side, it wasn't as hot -- but the heat should be back by the end of the week, in time for my break. The kiddie pool may be making another appearance soon.


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