Summer 2022: Day 1

Most years when I blog every day for summer, I start sometime in May. This year, I don't even know what happened to May.

The last four months have been a whirlwind, sort of culminating with Michael's graduation from high school (I'll blog about that another day). I was planning to start the summer blogging on Ben's birthday, then after Michael graduated, then on Memorial Day weekend ... but it didn't happen until today, June 1.

That's OK. By my count, my late-starting summer has 99 days. And those 99 promise to be unique. I'm taking six weeks off from work -- I get a paid monthlong sabbatical and am tacking on two weeks of PTO after it. We don't have any major trips planned but enough smaller ones that summer won't lack for adventure.

I can lament how I haven't been writing these past four months, but rather than be pissed, I'm looking forward to the next three to write, write, and write some more. Summer 2022 might be the summer I catch up -- perhaps not completely, but at least to tackle some initiatives that I never seem to have time for.

That said, if the summer is really great, I might not have time for them again. One day down, 98 to go.


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