Summer 2022: Days 3-7

I generally face two obstacles to writing my summer posts on a daily basis: I either am too tired or work into the evening and am creatively spent. Tonight, I worked into the evening but have some energy to blog. Over the weekend, I really didn't have much of an excuse ...

In my defense, I was spent on Saturday, then worked in the front yard all day Sunday. And a couple writing assignments for work fried my brain. 

Otherwise, the past five days have been mostly uneventful. I ran a few days and tried doing a weight workout but twinged my hip. I'm convinced this workout, which I discovered about five years ago on Men's Health's Facebook feed, is meant for younger men. Maybe I'll find some other workout for the next few weeks before my work retreat. At least the running has felt good and has fit into the "I might be taking my shirt off in front of coworkers" wellness plan. 

The heat is coming -- starting tomorrow, temperatures will climb into the 90s. I'm ready to go for the summer's first swim, and it might happen tomorrow (plus, I have two new pairs of trunks I want to break in). But for tonight, I'm enjoying the breeze outside.


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