Summer 2022: Day 71

The second day of vacation was busy. I had hoped to wake up early and go for a walk or run, but I slept to 8:30 and wasn't sad about it. I made a bagel for breakfast, took a shower, and ran to the store to get some provisions for the hike Ben, my sister Julie, and I were going to take.

Before the hike even began, something noteworthy occurred. I had never been a passenger in a car my sister, who has not been the most confident driver over the decades, was driving. With every little bit of traffic, I could sense her trepidation, but she did great. 

The hike at Mad Creek was wonderful. The whole trip was about four miles total, culminating in a restored barn. The grasshoppers were out in force around the born, and Ben captured a picture of marmot sunning itself on a rock. The hike was strenuous but not overly taxing, but I was nonetheless exhausted when we got back to the house.

The pool at the condo complex is still closed, so I took a cooling shower and tried not to fall asleep afterward. We met Julie and Tom at Mambo, a great pizza place in town. Following dinner, Lori, Ben, and I drove to Fish Creek Falls, where we walked a quarter mile to an impressive waterfall and stream. Ben and I soaked our feet in the cold water for several minutes.

I realize, the day doesn't sound that busy, but it was. I'm read to call it a night. I was sitting outside, but the bugs were annoying. Tomorrow, we head to Denver.


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