Summer 2022: Days 64-68

The heat finally broke. Plus, we got some rain -- heavy rain. Today was sunny all day but with temperatures in the 80s, and tonight while I write outside, crickets are chirping, likely because they aren't overheated like everyone else was the past six weeks.

Unfortunately, the last few days haven't been that exciting. I think I've hit the lull of Joe-batical. I've managed some good writing, but I'm at a point in which I don't want to be adventurous and I don't want to address organizational issues in the house, but I know that my leave in coming to its conclusion. I think that means I might be a little ready to return to work. Not that I'm excited about that prospect, but it won't be sneaking up on me, and it won't the end of the world.

I think this acceptance of the end of Joe-batical was especially evident today, when, for a couple hours, I literally didn't know what to do. The day felt more like a lazy Sunday than a precious day of non-work. I did run this morning, grill burgers for dinner, and take Ben for gelato and driving practice in the evening. I also watched "The Amazing Spider-Man," which I know I had seen before but remembered little of it. 

The last five days haven't been totally worthless. Lori returned from Costa Rica. I trimmed down the tree over our garage some more. Michael and I enjoyed a nice afternoon at a coffee shop, and we went to Costco in the torrential yesterday. I got a haircut and picked up lunch for Lori on Friday. 

And here's the thing: Even after this week, I don't have to let summer end just because I'm back at work. I can still work outside, and our friend with a pool says I can work from her house anytime I want. The weekends are still mine, as are the evenings. I will continue to run and lounge and organize and write as needed. The leave hasn't transformed me, but it has given me a chance to breathe and refocus just a little. 

In the meantime, I still have one week left to enjoy. And I plan to enjoy it.


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