Summer 2024: Day 27

I am approaching 5,000 calories burned today, which is just nuts. Besides suggesting I could be in better shape, it shows how active I was today. 

After not sleeping well again last night, I did wake up a little earlier, and Dad, Susy and I went out for a bike ride on the North Shore Trail. I have lost most of my nerve on a bicycle, but the uphills were still tough, and I was using muscles I haven't used as much when running. The ride was nice, though hot, and we got back to the house; I ate the rest of the Caesar salad from the night before for lunch.

I wanted to relay and enjoy the summer heat a little, so I walked to Whealan Pool via the bike path through the woods. Despite growing up on the northwest side, this was my first time visiting Whealan, which is operated by the county. It was crowded but not too crowded, and I found a spot in the grass, put down my towel, and lounged in the sun and occasional clouds obscuring the sun. The water was a little chilly, so I didn't swim too much, but did try both water slides. I started a John Grisham novel (summer is the only time to read John Grisham) and worked on some puzzles in a puzzle magazine. After a few hours, I packed up and walked home.

Dad and I went to Red Robin for dinner, where I ordered a double burger but brought some of it back home. I'm sitting on the porch now and it's humid; I might turn in early and hope for a good night's sleep.


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