Summer 2024: Days 29-30

This trip to Chicago has felt great, a nice little reset that I semi-desperately needed. But, it was bound to come to an end. 

I intended Friday to be a writing day, and I was able to write a little, but for the most part, I just relaxed. No train trips or bike rides or nostalgia cruising. I went for a longer walk in the morning and camped out on my dad's front porch for a little while to write, but the day went quickly. I picked up SuperDawg one last time for lunch, then gave up on writing in favor of just lounging in the sun for a while. I was meeting two of my high school friends in Kenosha for dinner, and that snuck up on me sooner than expected, ending my lazy afternoon. Hanging out with John and John was nice, and I got home at a decent hour.

My last day in Chicago also went quickly. My stepmom made a nice brunch for all the kids in town, and I needed to pack for my departure. My cousin's baby was being baptized at a Ukranian church in the city, and I managed to eat a salad and a few pierogi at the reception afterward before Dad took me to the L station and I traveled to O'Hare to catch my flight home. The plane needed to avoid some serious thunderstorms over the Midwest that were visible from my window, but the flight wasn't too bumpy, thankfully. The plane landed, Michael picked me up from the airport, we picked up McDonald's, and I was home.

Benji and I will be back in the Midwest in a month, and I'm looking forward to more time in Chicago. I don't prefer taking trips without my family -- because I love being with them and finding adventures or just chilling -- but at least I know in Chicago, if I'm on my own, I can recharge and relax. I didn't even do half the things I theorized I could, maybe I need to stay a few days longer the next time I do the on-my-own trip home. 

But it's always great to be back. Even though I didn't sleep great, I didn't feel any pressure -- I was really good about not checking Slack or email on vacation. And Chicago is so much a part of me; I still consider myself a Chicagoan even though I've lived in Utah longer. Dad's house has felt like a retreat for so long that it always seems special every time I walk in the door.

Now to continue summer ...


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