Summer, Day 72; Vacation, Day 8

Michael woke me up early to tell me that my father was making pancakes. So, I woke up early and ate breakfast. I was hoping for a little relaxation today (and some time to write), but that wasn't happening, although the day wasn't overly busy. Ben has been a game freak lately, so I found the version of Risk in the house and showed him how to play. With a little help, he quickly took over Europe and Australia. He understood the concept of the game well enough, and though I did control Africa and South America, I did not play as cutthroat as I would if I was playing my father. Ben had fun, but the game went long and he got bored, so Michael took over and won the game, starting a turn with 42 armies and sweeping through South America, Africa and southern Asia. We all enjoyed the game, and I have even more incentive to find my old Risk that I can't find in my house . Lori flew back to Utah today, and we took her to the airport around noon. Afterward, we went to T...