Summer, Day 54

The wind came through Salt Lake City today. Now, we're just waiting for the rain.

We watched one of Michael's friends for most of the day. He watched the boys' swim practice, then we returned to the house, where they all played Wii. I had hoped we would do something outside, but the skies were ominous for most of the morning. But all three boys were getting antsy, so we went swimming. A good friend of ours is taking care of her neighbor's house that has an in-ground pool in the backyard, and she invited us to swim, clouds be damned. The rain never came, and we even got a little sun. The boys had fun and wore themselves out. The water felt great, and lounging on a pool float was so relaxing.

The trip to the pool mostly dominated the whole day. We were thinking of going back in the evening, but the wind came through. Surely, a thunderstorm would follow, but it never did. Perhaps tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow. We could use one rainy day to recover from this long week.

Summer is halfway done. For the beginning of the second half, click here.


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