Summer, days 60-61

I was downloading some music onto my PC yesterday, which slowed it down to annoying levels, so annoying that I didn't even attempt blogging. So this post is covering yesterday and today.

Thursday, we went on another hike with some of Michael's classmates, up Rattlesnake Gulch in Milcreek Canyon. We didn't go too far beyond the first trail, even though we thought about it. The hike was long enough. The boys had fun, as did the dog. We got back to the house and were exhausted.

I had filled up the kiddie pool in the morning, with the thought if we were too tired to go to the real pool, this would be a good option to cool off in the sun. I had hoped that after six hours, the water would have warmed up enough. We got outside mid-afternoon to discover clouds had rolled in and that the water hadn't warmed much. I could say the cool water felt good, but it was more of a shock to my lungs. The boys didn't mind as much.

The rest of the day was uneventful. The boys went to bed early to get enough rest for their early swim practice this morning. Lori watched them swim and dive, then I took them to a playgroup at Liberty Park. They played for three hours before we came back home. By then, we were all tired, but we pitched in as Lori prepared for her trip to the Midwest (we will follow a few days later). The rest of the day was low-key, especially with the heat. I watched "The Maltese Falcon" in an effort to clear more off the DVR, then walked the dog and watered the gardens.

Forward to Day 62!


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