Summer, Day 62

Lori flew to the Midwest today, and the boys and I drove her to the airport this morning. We tentatively planned a long hike today with neighbors today, but that fell through, and in retrospect, that might have been a good thing. We all felt tired for most of the afternoon.

After dropping Lori off, we hit a few garage sales (found "Pretty in Pink" on DVD for a dollar!), and the boys got haircuts in the morning. Michael and Ben played with friends in the early afternoon, and we went to PetSmart and Walmart later. I made macaroni and cheese and hot dogs for dinner, and we started watching "The Bad News Bears" (original) on Netflix. The boys got some playtime after dinner, as did the dog.

Tomorrow is the big preparation day for the trip. Today was the calm before the storm.

Day 63 is next.


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