Summer, Day 47

I've complained about summer days that have been less than filled. Today was not one of those days. And it was a great day for Ben and me. I hope for Michael too

The boys had swim practice this morning, and I picked Ben up first. While Michael had diving, Ben and I picked up breakfast at McDonald's. I knew our day would be busy. Ben had a playgroup and Michael was going to Cowabunga Bay waterpark with one of his friends. So they needed food. Michael inhaled two Egg McMuffins on the way to Liberty Park for Ben's playgroup.

Ben's friend's older brother is good friend of Michael, so no one was bored as they played in the Liberty Park fountain, designed to replicate the seven major creeks that roll out of the Wasatch Mountains and into the Salt Lake Valley. We couldn't stay because we needed to get Michael to his waterpark expedition. Fortunately, his friend's mom was able to pick him up instead. Michael also was invited to sleep over by (it was his friend's birthday and several kids were staying overnight), so he took a sleeping bag and his toothbrush and left. Hopefully, he had a lot of fun over the last 12 hours.

Knowing Michael was getting this long fun day, I wanted to enjoy a special day with Ben. The afternoon didn't disappoint. We went for Noodles for lunch (where he almost knocked off a large Wisconsin Mac and Cheese -- I think both boys are in the middle of growth spurts), then to Barnes and Noble (Ben got a comic book, I bought fantasy football magazines), and then to Toys 'r' Us (Ben had a gift card from his birthday and bought Lego Batman 2 for the Wii). After shopping, we saw "Brave," which we had missed two weeks ago because Ben had a birthday party. We both liked the movie, and after, we went to Costco to pick up Lori's contact lenses and order new ones for me. For dinner, we collected Lori from home and went to a new Thai restaurant by our house, where Ben tried and liked a mild noodle dish and ate a piece of calamari (we still haven't told him he ate squid).

Our busy day wasn't done, though I did doze off for a short time while Ben was playing at a neighbor's house. He came home and we broke open Lego Batman 2 and played for two hours. He finally went to bed around 10.

Now that was busy summer day. Awesome.

To Day 48.


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