Summer 2016: Day 100; Vacation, Day 13

Home at last.

Considering 4 (really, 5) of the 13 days of our trip were driving, you would think today would have been more difficult. Lori drove most of the day, and I did the last 3-4 hours or so. We stopped in Kearney, Neb., for groceries; at a Subway for lunch; and at a McDonald's in Rock Springs, Wyo., for dinner. We saw the sun set over the ridges of western Wyoming with windmills as a backdrop. We made it through the last 70 miles in Utah, wishing we'd get home sooner. And then, we made it home, before 10 p.m MDT. The cat was happy to see us. I made a quick jaunt to Fresh Market to get bread and anti-itch lotion (the bugs in New Buffalo were small, and their bites didn't start getting itchy until a few days later ...), but I settled in for the evening.

This was a fun vacation. I'm not sure if we will drive back next year and if we take such a circuitous route to do so (it seemed like it took a long time to arrive in the Midwest -- to the point that we just had to turn around and come back), but it definitely was an awesome experience. We won't forget this vacation any time soon.


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