Summer 2016: Days 83-87

The summer sports schedule finally concluded this week with the conference swim meet. This is the boys' rec team, and it's the last year Ben will swim this meet because he's on comp. He went out in style, winning the backstroke and finishing third overall for individual points in his age group. Michael had a great meet as well -- I dare say he swam out of his mind -- and was solid in the 11-12 division. The meet ended Friday night, we went for ice cream, and called it a summer for our sports commitments.

The week went by so fast. Ben had a good afternoon Wednesday hanging out with one of his school friends. I felt like I had my most productive work week in a while, even with the swim meet Thursday and Friday. Today I got Popcorn out for a little hike, then we began preparing for our much-needed vacation that starts in the morning. I'm looking forward to what I hope will be an awesome two weeks.


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