Summer 2016, Day 97; Vacation, Day 10

We entered the last phase of our vacation before heading back: Michigan. My stepmom invited us to spend a few days with her extended family at a large house they were renting on Lake Michigan in a town called New Buffalo, just over the Indiana border. The boys drove with my father while Lori and I packed up the RAV and took the Skyway east.

The house Susy and her family rented is amazing. It's just a short walk to the beach, and the water this time of year was not numbingly cold (unlike on the other side of the lake -- not disgusting algae blooms, either). The boys had a blast swimming in the lake for the first time. The rest of the day was nice -- it very much felt like vacation. I took a nap on a lawn chair and enjoyed a few beers before and after dinner. A bonfire was built, and Ben and I made Reese's smores. Dad and I watched the Cubs and the Olympics. Good family time all around.


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