Summer 2016: Days 104-107

Well, that was a quick first week ...

I spent the week trying to get my footing between work and the boys back in school again. I sort of did, but am confident next week will be easier. After all, I was also trying to bounce back from vacation as well -- it was a tricky combination to navigate. There were some bright spots:
  • Ben and I played four games of Star Realms on Wednesday. For not playing many boardgames the past several months, this felt wonderful. I need to keep striving to find time for this, and to somehow pull Michael in.
  • The weather is cooler; we've been able to turn the air off at night and open the windows.
  • Initial co-oping shifts went well.
  • Lori, Ben and I went for pizza tonight while Michael was a at birthday pool party. 
  • I'm on the porch tonight with a glass of wine.
  • I finished watching the first season of "Stranger Things."
My only gripe was that it went by too fast. But I'm happy it's the weekend, and I'm planning to make the most of it.


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