Summer 2018: Day 51; Vacation Day 1

Let the vacation begin!

The drive to Seal Beach, California, was long but really not too bad. We encountered a little traffice around the Nevada/California border, then a bit more once we approached Orange County, but we still made decent time. Lori drove the whole way and I tried to nap a little at times in back. We listened to the audiobook of Ready Player One, and we even stopped at an abandoned waterpark near Barstow so Michael could take some pictures.

After arriving at the Airbnb in Seal Beach, we bought groceries and then walked down to the pier and beach. The view was nice, and just being on vacation and near the ocean is nice as well. For dinner, we ate at Burgers and Brews on Main Street. I writing on the patio right now and would write more but I'm exhausted. I have all week ...


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