Summer 2018: Day 57; Vacation Day 7

More basketball today, but some fun, too.

Michael's regular team played two games today and won both, one in a nail-biter, the other in a blowout. Between games, most of the team ate at Denny's, with eight players getting their own table. I don't remember Denny's being as expensive as it was -- for the average quality of food you shouldn't get Chili's prices. And of course, Ben ordered a cherry limeade, perhaps the most expensive drink on the menu short of a milkshake

After the game, many of the families met at Seal Beach so the boys could get a chance to hang out together. The weather was perfect, as were the waves. The waves were actually pretty huge; topping me a couple times when I was only in water up to my knees. The boys had a blast. This is what is best about the travel tournaments: Not so much the basketball, but the fun the players have and the memories they make.

We walked back to the house with one of Michael's teammates we were managing (his family was at his brother's game in Irvine) and ate dinner. Ben and I played cribbage, and we all finished up most of the packing. We leave tomorrow, and we're already sad to be going. It's been a great week.


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