Summer 2018: days 34-44

A long break between blogging, but an eventful 11 days. Here we go ...

  • Michael had two basketball tournaments in this time span, and his teams (he also played up with one of his club's ninth-grade teams for two games) went 10-1 and won a championship. His regular team should have won two, but a last-second three-pointer sunk its chances for a title last weekend. Except for a few blips, he played great.
  • I attended my company's annual meeting/retreat/party at Deer Valley. These three days were filled with conversation, great food, some alcohol, productive work (for one day), and fun. I led co-workers on a hike to Peak 10420 at Guardsman's Pass (whew, it was a little challenging but well worth it), and Lori and the boys came up to hang out by the pool on Tuesday. I was so pleased this was held in my backyard, and I was not bummed at all that I didn't get to travel. My only complaint was it went by too fast ...
  • The weather is hot again. Cooled off for the weekend, but triple digits loom.
  • Ben and I attended a stargazing party at the Stansbury Park Observatory last night. We got good looks at Jupiter (with four moons!), Saturn (with its rings!), Venus, Antares, Vega, Arcturis, and some nebulae and star clusters. It was a great night, and Ben was his inquisitive, inspired self. 
  • Today we went to the pool for a couple hours. Felt nice to lounge in the sun, but I think I missed a spot on my arm and got a little sunburned.
  • Yard sales!
  • Went out to eat way too often (and I really pigged out at the work event). I need to get back on the exercise/smart eating plan before California.
The only thing lacking from this stretch was writing. That resumed today, and I'm ready to write about some more summer memories after not for a couple years.


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