Summer 2018: Day 58; Vacation Day 8

We left Seal Beach this morning, and it was bittersweet. The week was fantastic, and the house was a great find, but wrapping up vacation is always sad. Ben literally was sad, crying a little bit as we drove away from the house. If we come back to California next year for a basketball tournament, we want to rent this house again.

Ah, yes, basketball: Michael played four games today. The first two were with his regular team, and they lost the first, struggling with turnovers and getting screwed by terrible refereeing. The second game they won easily and finished the tourney with a 3-1 record.

Afterward, we headed to Irvine, where he played two more games with the U15 team. Both games were losses, but Michael again held his own, averaging 11 points a game and showing he can play with high schoolers. He did get stepped on once and has a bruise/scrape/mark on the side of his chest.

With basketball concluded, our trip back to Utah started with earnest by traveling to Pasadena. We checked into a Holiday Inn Express, allowed stinky Michael to shower, and then met my friend Tim and his family at Congregation Ale House for dinner. I drank the most unique beer -- a porter that tasted like a peanut butter cup. We headed back to the hotel, exhausted. The long drive home in the morning awaits.


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