Summer 2019: Day 1

Summer is starting late this year ...

In years past, when I've blogged summer, I usually began before Memorial Day, inspired by nicer weather, green trees, and the imminence of my favorite season.

This year, a combination of a few busy weeks of work and what has been the second-wettest spring in Salt Lake City history has pushed the start to June 1. Better late than ever, but that gives me only 96 days of summer to write about and enjoy.

Day 1 was a nice kickoff.

Lori and I went to Costco to start the day. We got there right as it opened, so it wasn't too crazy for a Saturday. Shopping without the boys was nice but, alas, still expensive. After we got home, I made a brief trip to Walmart for a few more groceries, then stopped by the state liquor store to get my assistant soccer coaches six-packs as a thank you gift.

Today was the last game of the soccer season, and after looking like it might rain, the sun came out and we enjoyed warm conditions and a gorgeous day. We lost 6-5 in a game we should have won -- too many missed shots and a few defensive lapses killed us.

Afterward, one of the families hosted the end-of-season party. Hanging out with the other parents and enjoying the couple beers were nice. The boys had a water balloon fight, and I let myself get doused with a bucket of seriously cold water.

I took Ben to a birthday party sleepover later, and a thunderstorm finally moved through. I'm sitting here typing and watching the kind of boring remake of "Fahrenheit 451." One day down, 95 to go ...


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