Summer 2019: Day 4

Today was gorgeous again, and I worked mostly outside. And, voila, I was more productive than yesterday.

Unfortunately, I'm still grazing too much at home, even though I worked outside for some of it. This is not my ideal strategy with summer here and me wanting to lose a few more pounds of the gut. I just need to track again, but it's tough when there's a lot of food in the house (though our stocks are rapidly dwindling; Ben is on an eating tear).

I took Ben to swim practice at Steiner, and though he swam inside, I worked outdoors and, again, was efficient. Working outside all summer will be nice.

Ben and I watched the Cubs beat the Rockies during dinner. I took Popcorn on a good walk afterward. The breeze coming through the porch feels wonderful.

Tomorrow is Ben's last day of the school year. Summer gets real afterwards.


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