Summer 2019: Days 5-12

This is how the days slip away during a summer.

Last Wednesday was a busy work day mixed in with Ben's last day of school and other things, and I didn't have the energy to write in the evening. Thursday was equally as nutty between Michael's basketball tournament and a rat sighting in our backyards. Friday was full with more basketball. Ben had a swim meet Saturday; I had some other work to finish up over the weekend; and Monday and Tuesday I just forgot to write. So here it is, Day 12, which, on a 96-day summer, is already one-eighth of the season down in a blink of an eye. I'm not happy about that.

The weather cooled off way too much going into last weekend, but the days have been pleasant and even warm the last two days. Ben swam OK at his meet; Michael had a great basketball tournament. I've been working outside again in the backyard, and it's been great. Michael and I cleared out the garage Saturday (no rats seen, but I put out some traps); I grilled three nights in a row. Popcorn and I took some enjoyable walks, including to the H Rock on Sunday night. This feels like summer. Now to just slow it down a bit ...


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