Summer 2019: Day 16

Today was a wonderful Father's Day, even if I almost did throw up ...

To celebrate my day, I chose to hike to the Living Room above Salt Lake City -- a hike we've done before. Michael, Ben and I made the hike, and the day wasn't too hot, although it was sunny. Lori had made me McMuffins for breakfast, but I didn't feel overly full or gassy. Maybe I just didn't drink enough water, because the hike beat the heck out of me.

The uphill is challenging for sure, but either because I'm out of shape, was tired, or wasn't sufficiently hydrated, my body seemed to rebel. I've stopped on uphills before, but I've never felt the need to sit down like I did today. And I never thought I was going to hurl like today. I started worrying that it would suck for the boys if their dad had a heart attack on a Father's Day hike. Michael was moving way too fast, like he wanted to get the hike over with. Ben was a little more compassionate. I knew if I sat down, getting up and continuing was going to be tough. Eventually, we got to the part of the hike where it flattened out, and I made it to the Living Room.

We ate some snacks at the top and enjoyed the view. The downhill was much easier, though I twisted my ankle on a loose rock near the bottom. It' s a little sore tonight but OK -- it's an ankle I've turned before.

I grilled burgers for dinner tonight and enjoyed a Dad's root beer, and we watched "Memphis Belle" on DVD. Except for feeling sick, it was an wonderful Father's Day.


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