Summer 2021: Day 39; Midwest Vacation: Day 8

I slept badly again last night. Fireworks were blasting well after midnight, and my digestive tract wasn't exactly the paradigm of efficiency. I woke up late and didn't go for a run.

We did get out the door with Dad and Connor to visit the Art Institute. I have a gazillion pictures I'll eventually put up on Facebook, but needless to say, the experience was wonderful. Ben asked if he could wander the museum on his own, and I let him. After three hours -- and we didn't even see everything -- we left downtown and picked up Taco Burrito King for a late lunch.

Dad and Susy hosted dinner for family tonight, and the evening was enjoyable. We played Ticket to Ride after everyone had left, and Dad surprisingly won. 

Just one more full day of vacation. The time has gone quickly. I hope that at least I'll get a good night of sleep.


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