Summer 2021, Day 58; California vacation, Day 8

This trip wasn't long enough.

I'm glad we were able to combine my work retreat with a much-needed family vacation, but at least for me, it felt over before it started. We had one more adventure before leaving California -- we found the Brady Bunch house used in exterior shots (which has since been remodeled to look like the set on the inside. I snapped a quick picture and we were on our way back to Utah.

Although we made good time, the journey wasn't that crammed -- we stopped at Giordano's in suburban Las Vegas for the Chicago-style pizza Lori and Michael didn't get to enjoy this summer. After that, we zoomed back to Salt Lake City, stopping in St. George for gas and Beaver for a bathroom break. We listened to the rest of the Ready Player Two audio book along the way. The sun was still up when we pulled into our driveway. I wish we had more time for our trip, but being home feels good.


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