Summer 2021, Day 57; California vacation, Day 7

We weren't in a rush to get out the door this morning, but we did and visited two last used video game stores, the first in North Hollywood and the second in Northridge. The first store was really impressive and I found some old Atari games. The second was just OK. We are done with shopping this trip ...

From the second store, we went to a Starbucks near Topanga Canyon, then drove into the Santa Monica Mountains to do a short hike in Tuna Canyon Park. The views of the ocean were amazing, and we hung out for about 20 minutes at the summit. Michael wanted to drive the PCH through Malibu, so we headed west for about 20 miles, then turned around and found a beach to hang out at for a while. Ben had fun in the surf, and I sort of did -- the undertow was freaking me out a little and I gave up even after I got used to the cold water (I now wish I hadn't). 

We left the beach and found a Chipotle for dinner. We drove back through Topanga Canyon one more time and emerged near Reseda, then returned to the hotel and watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.


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