Summer 2021, Day 53; California vacation, Day 3

I woke up early and walked to get Lori coffee because apparently the room doesn't have a coffee maker. She was tutoring in the morning, and I offered to walk down to the coffee shop to get coffee for her and Michael and a muffin for Ben. I enjoyed my own breakfast as part of the retreat, and it was decent. 

Monday of my work retreat is always a work day -- not a real work day, but a big team-building activity, a nice lunch, a pep talk from our CEO, and some other workshops and stuff. This year, we broke into our individual teams for 90 minutes, and afterward, when the boss asked the entire group how it went, our editorial team might have been the only one cheering. After years of having a small team, having a real time (14 of us, though only 10 attended the retreat) feels awesome -- and today was the culmination of that.

Dinner was at a restaurant right on the ocean, and it was a feast, almost too much food. My big problem is that we get all this food, and then because we're all hanging out, I drink too much on top of it. I never felt more than a little buzzed, but I felt more than full. Even the walk back didn't help. That said, hanging out with coworkers was again the best part of the evening. 

The amazing thing is that almost every part of the retreat has been outside -- and the weather has been gorgeous. But it's already going too fast ...


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