Summer 2019: Day 62, Vacation Day 1

And we're off!

Our vacations started really early: We were out the door at 5:17 a.m. We are taking a northern route to Wisconsin, which entailed driving through Idaho Falls, up to Bozeman, and across Montana and North Dakota.

Michael drove the scenic part of the trip that hugged the west side Yellowstone National Park. We wanted a nice view for this drive, and we got it with this segment through some gorgeous land. When we shot out of the woods, the Google GPS oddly put us on Gooch Hill Road instead of sending us right to the interstate. We missed much of Bozeman this way but it was still an odd route.

We got gas in Billings at a Costco, then looked someplace for dinner a couple hours east. Unfortunately, there was barely any fast food until we got deep into North Dakota. We tried Glendive, which is the last little-but-not-so-little town in Montana on I-94, but alas, our choices were limited to sit-down restaurants. So we proceeded eastward.

The west side of North Dakota through the Badlands was impressive. We stopped in Dickinson for an expensive, unsatisfying meal of McDonald's. Finally we pushed into Bismarck, nearly a thousand miles and 15 hours after we left.  Michael drove much of the journey and I just hung out in the back seat (and somehow lost my reading glasses). I'm feeling bloated after the long day, and we have more driving tomorrow. But still, we're on vacation!


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