Summer 2019: Day 68, Vacation Day 7

Today was meant to be a mild travel day, with some time spent in Milwaukee. However, the fever and achiness that started last night hounded me all day.

Lori drove, and we made a decently early departure from Three Lakes, with a quick stop to the bank and coffee shop in town. The actual trip to Milwaukee wasn't slow -- we made good time, only stopping in Oshkosh to fill up and use a restroom. But I was wiped out the whole way south, and I wasn't able to fall asleep, either. By the time we got to Lori's sister, who lives in Franklin, I was ready for a nap. I got two small ones -- not very rejuvenating -- and skipped the hour at the pool with the boys as I tried to sleep and fight off the fever.

We went top Kopp's for dinner, which was outstanding as usual. I didn't each much custard, but the giant double cheeseburger was enough. The boys got to hang out some more at Lisa's apartment, and then we hit the road for Chicago, making a quick pit stop at Woodman's in Kenosha to restock our Klarbrunn's supply. We finally made it to my dad's house, where my sister Jenny and her kids, and siblings Connor and Kate had already arrived. Even though I still wasn't feeling good, I managed a piece of Giordano's pizza before heading off to bed on a real mattress for the first time in almost a week.


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