Summer 2019: Day 72, Vacation Day 11

This was another sort of transition day on vacation, one that I finally was able to come up for air a little bit.

I slept well, had a piece of pizza for breakfast, then went on a long walk with Lori. We ended up at Barnes and Noble, where we ordered drinks and a dessert, then browsed. Once home, I took a little nap, then wrote for a while. Most of the family went to see my stepbrother's band play at a festival. I stayed behind and wrote some more, as well as played some apps on the iPad.

For dinner, I picked up a burrito at a nearby Mexican restaurant that's new. It tasted like the burritos I would get at El Chico in Milwaukee -- delicious! I got that fix out of my system for this trip and won't need to go to Taco Burrito King tomorrow.

As I wrote on my dad's porch, I looked up to see this spider. It was big -- the picture isn't doing it justice -- and maybe the size of a half-dollar. Needless to say, it freaked me out a little. I'm still outside, watching it work on its web some more (I think it's a wood spider), and safely typing from another chair. The cicadas are incredibly loud tonight, as are some other insect (not crickets). It's a cloudy, humid August evening in Chicago. I sometimes miss these nights ...


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