Summer 2019: Day 71, Vacation Day 10

The big day and the centerpiece of our vacation arrived: My father's 70th birthday party.

Technically, Dad doesn't turn 70 until next month, but this was the only time all six kids could gather at the same time in Chicago. The party was wonderful.

The day started a little yawningly, however.

I once again couldn't sleep -- this time because of every time I tried lying down comfortably, no matter which way I turned my head it, the back left side ached. In the middle of the night I started wondering if I had a brain tumor, but I think it was just the muscles in my neck being tight and it subsequently affecting my scalp muscles. I went to the couch downstairs and got a better angle for my head, eventually falling asleep.

After I woke up (and took a little nap after breakfast), I went to Starbucks to finish up some work I didn't get done before I left, plus wrap my head around managing Ben's soccer team, whose season starts next week. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing, hanging out with my family, and getting ready for the party.

Lou Malnati's pizza was the featured food at the party, and I stuffed myself. We saw cousins I haven't seen in years, and Michael and Ben played basketball with them -- and I somehow got roped into playing. I was amazed I didn't puke. Many of us gave toasts and told stories of Dad, and my sister and niece sang him songs. It was a night I won't forget.


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