Summer 2019: Day 64, Vacation Day 3

This was definitely our transition day after the long drive, but it was just what we needed. Ben and I walked to Dollar General in the morning, then went for a long walk along the bike/snowmobile trail right near Lori's parents' house. The hike was great, but the bugs were out, and we did not apply any bug spray, so it was a little annoying. Once the bugs started biting, we hustled it back and made it in time before thunderstorms rolled into Three Lakes.

The rest of the day was mellow. Ben played cribbage with his grandfather. Lori and her mom went to Rhinelander. Michael didn't do much. Ben and I drove to Eagle River for a little shopping (we have Klarbrunn's!). More thunderstorms rumbled through. Tony made hot dogs and I made macaroni and cheese for dinner. We watched "Shark Tank" and "Press Your Luck." I'm wrapping up the day by writing on the small patio and hoping I don't get too bit up by mosquitoes.

I'm looking up to see many, many stars. It's good to be up north.


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