Summer, Day 23

After the tiring day yesterday and me working tonight, I wasn't expecting a moderately productive day today. True to form, it was lackluster.

I'm typing at work again on my break, out on the balcony on a pleasant summer evening. I tried sleeping late this morning, but the boys' class lists were emailed for next school year, which woke me up. Michael had basketball camp again, though I didn't watch as much today. I walked Popcorn around the block a couple times, and I did manage to get some laundry put away and make myself a dinner (ramen noodles and a salad) for work rather than buy something. The boys annoyed the heck out of me by not being ready to go to swim practice, and I forgot things I needed to take for work after I dropped them off. So, I was a little stressed when I arrived at work, but things have calmed down.

My knee felt better today, and I'm hoping to be able to run the Wasatch Back and deal with it after the weekend. I am seeing an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow, and I am hoping for the best. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Day 24 here. Meh.


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