Summer, Day 38

Blessedly, today wasn't a lazy day. The boys had swim practice this morning, then playdates in the early afternoon. I was participating in a blogging webinar and was grateful to have the house to myself.

The webinar, hosted by Jeff Goins and Derek Halpern, was good in that it inspired me a little to really get going on starting the next blog I'm planning. Some of the advice was enlightening, but I was a little turned off when the webinar turned into a sales pitch for a longer course on blogging, seemingly more aimed toward bloggers using a blog to sell something. Though I'd love my next blog to get enough traffic to provide a few dollars off ads -- as well as providing more visibility for my writing -- I'm not looking to be an entrepreneurial blogger, which some of the strategies were aimed toward. Nonetheless, I'm glad I listened to the webinar, most importantly because it got me jazzed to seriously plan my blogs' direction.

Later in the afternoon, we took Popcorn to the vet, who confirmed what we knew: We have a healthy, active 1-year-old puppy. After we got home, I started grilling a pork sirloin roast for dinner, only to be thwarted by an empty propane tank. Lori came threw by finishing off the cooking of the pork (and it was delicious). After dinner, we watched the Olympic swimming trials, I played a little basketball with the boys, we watched an episode of "Tron" uprising, and I took the dog for a walk. A busy day for sure, but no complaints whatsoever.

Day 39 is here.


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