Summer, Day 27

Summer, according to my calculations, is a quarter over.

When I started blogging summer in May, I declared it to be 108 days long this year. Twenty-seven days in is 25 percent. I'm hoping the remaining 75 percent are better.

I shouldn't complain -- the last 27 days have been fun, sunny and eventful. I just wish the last week had been better. The Wasatch Back completed today, so it's time I stopped feeling sorry about myself and look forward to the rest of the summer. More good times are ahead. I missed one, but now it's time to move on.

The boys had two birthday parties today, which consumed much of the Saturday. I mowed the lawn this morning, grilled pork chops for dinner, and took the dog for a walk to one her favorite play spots next to Red Butte Creek. I'm trying something different tonight by letting Popcorn sit on the porch with me while I type.

Tomorrow is Father's Day, and I'm itching to get in some more exercise than I've had all week, maybe getting the bike out. Tomorrow is also the first day of the rest of summer. I'd best enjoy it.


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