Summer, Day 13

This Saturday started early with Ben's soccer game at 8 a.m.and Michael's at 8:30. Both games were their last for the season. Ben and the Crushing Tigers, who I coach, played well against a team with a maybe the best player in the league. When I finally looked at my phone after the game, I got a text from Lori saying Michael had scored a goal, his first of the season. It's not that Michael isn't a good soccer player, but rather that he has five teammates who are phenomenal at soccer for this age, and as a result, get most of the goals. Plus, he's played a lot of goalkeeper this season, reducing his chances a bit (though he had two assists on dropkicks from back there this spring). He had been stressing out about not getting a goal, but today, he finally got it, along with hearty congratulations from his teammates. Unfortunately, I missed it, but such are our Saturday mornings.

A couple hours later, with temperatures reaching the 90s, the boys had a baseball game -- a tournament game against the best team in the league. The heat affected the Twins, and though we played a smart game in the field (the smartest we might have played all season -- the kids are finally starting to get what to do on defense, even if they aren't quite making the plays), we lost but weren't shut out. Michael went 2-for-3, striking out on a last at-bat on which I could tell he was tired, and made some good defensive plays. Ben struck out twice but his swing, which goes in spurts, looked better.

We came home and prepared for Ramona Avenue's block party. This annual event is low key -- nothing elaborate -- but was a good time nonetheless. I filled a bucket full of water balloons for the kids while the adults ate and talked. The heat decreased early in the evening as well.

Oh, Popcorn turned 1 today. Happy birthday to my favorite puppy!

Click for Day 14.


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