Summer, Day 33

Today's recap is going to be as short as yesterday's. The boys had a long swim practice this morning, followed by Michael's diving practice. Afterward, we went to breakfast at The Original Pancake House, where the boys tore through their meals in less than three minutes. I fear the days when they eat everything in sight are near.

When we got home, I was still tired from last night's late work shift and zonked out for long enough that I started dreaming. After waking up, I mopped the floors, started inflating the kiddie pool, took a shower and came to work. The section is small tonight and I'm done laying it out, so I'm taking some time to write here on the balcony. The air is hazy from a wildfire burning about 30 miles away. The sun has set and the breeze is nice, even if its fanning flames in the next county south.

Day 34 got interesting ...


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