Summer, Day 35

I had a Sunday off today. I usually work Sundays -- and will go back to them come NFL season -- so I was psyched to have an extra whole weekend day off with the family.

And ... we did nothing.

Lori woke up feeling sick this morning and needed to take it easy all day. The heat was simmering outside again, this time with clouds (I'm outside at 11:30 and it has barely cooled off), and I didn't want to take Popcorn out in it, especially after our long hike yesterday. I thought taking the boys to the pool would be fun. I put on board shorts, filled a small cooler with snacks and asked them if they wanted to go.

Amazingly, they didn't. Maybe they were tired, too, but they were content to stay inside and play all day. I was a little bummed -- I don't like wasting summer days -- but maybe the rest of the family needed the break. I said to Lori yesterday that we had nothing planned for today. Perhaps after busy day upon busy day, nothing planned equals rest. Lori surely needed it. The boys apparently did. After my 4-mile hike yesterday, my knee probably needed it, too.

Anyway, I did some writing, watched some "Law and Order: SVU" and took the dog around the block a few times. Michael and I watched "Space Jam" on Cartoon Network -- neither of us had seen it before. The boys and I played Game of the States, and I looked for an old Risk game that I can't seem to find.

The busy schedule resumes tomorrow, as does the heat. Sunday truly was a day of rest.

Day 36 ...


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