Summer, Day 76; Vacation, Day 12

I'm writing this a day later because we got home so late last night. Our last day of vacation -- the return day -- was similar to most return days. We spent time getting ready to depart. We said goodbyes. We took it easy, even with most of the day still in Chicago. We were thankful.

And just when we were ready to go, we were delayed. A big thunderstorm rolled through Chicago, delaying our flight for two hours. With our scheduled departure at 6:35, the delay meant it was going to be a late night.

The boys accompanied my dad and his dog to the park one last time on the trip. We took Dad and his girlfriend to lunch, and they bought let the boys pick out a book at Barnes and Noble for the flight home. At about 3:15 and back at my father's house, I looked at my watch and kind of wanted to the next hour and a half to go quickly, not because I wanted to leave, but because I wanted to get the return over with. Then, I got the email from Delta notifying us of the delay.

So, we relaxed. The boys, not used to Midwestern thunderstorms, hid under a blanket when the thunder rolled through, but instead of using a flashlight for illumination, were playing my dad's iPad. I managed a quick nap. My dad made us a quick dinner. Finally, we made it to the airport and quickly  made it through security.

However, I was sure we were going to be delayed more. The plane we were supposed to board to fly back was late to arrive. Delta did a great job deplaning and getting the plane ready to go again, and we left on time. The sunset at 34,000 feet was an amazing maroon on the horizon. The boys fell eventually asleep, leaving me awake to endure more turbulence than usual. Lori was waiting for us at the airport. Our bags made it out quickly, and we returned home to see Popcorn and Maggie. Vacation ended.

And the vacation was good. As usual, it went by too fast, and with it being a few days shorter this year, I somewhat wondered what we actually did. In fact, we did a lot and enjoyed every day. And our families enjoyed seeing the boys. Until the next vacation ...

Slug Bug final: The boys tied for the first place! Thankfully, as a native Chicagoan, I excel at creative tallying.

Two days for the price of one on the next post.


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