Summer, days 81-82

Another two-day recap after working last night. I'll make Friday brief. I ran a few loads of laundry. Ben practiced riding his bike around the block with the uneven training wheels.I worked, late. Ate a Costa Vida salad for dinner. Came home from work and basically went right to bed.

Yawn. Saturday was much better.

The boys competed in their first kids' triathlon this morning up in Park City. Before the race started, I adjusted Ben's training wheels so he wouldn't have as much balance issues. We originally signed him up for an older division, knowing he could easily handle a longer swim and run, but on a suggestion from one of the race organizers, dropped him back into his own age group. Wise decision -- Ben rocked the 25-yard swim, but was slow with the training wheels on the quarter-mile bike ride. He eventually finished the bike portion of the race, parked it in his transition area, then ran 200 yards, quickly enough that he didn't come in last. I don't think he would have minded if he did -- he was so excited to cross the finish line and get a medal, and be proud of his achievement. He'll get there on the bike -- after all, I didn't learn how to ride until I was 8.

Michael competed with his friend Aiden in the 10-and-under division (yes, Michael is only 8; we bumped him up, again, knowing he could do the swim easily). He was the third out of the pool but was a little slower in his transition to the bike and a little apprehensive to pass the kid in front him. But he was still moving it on the bike, finished his mile, and transitioned to the run. The older kids' run was a half-mile with a little bit of a hill. Michael held in fourth place throughout the run and finished strong, though so tired -- his first words to me were "I have to sit down." He did great and loved the whole experience. He may not be the best at some sports, but he was good enough at three today (and I noticed while he was running with his shirt off that he has a much more athletic build than his skinny, just-like-his-dad-was little brother). This might be a good sport for Michael. The group that organized the triathlon does a couple camps every summer, and we might explore that for both boys next year.

The rest of the day was mostly recovery, the boys from their race and me from my late night. I watched the Olympics and fell asleep during the women's team handball final (not because it was boring!). We went to Best Buy later in the afternoon. I took Popcorn for a two-mile walk. I'm blogging and watering the lawn and hoping to see a meteor or two with the Persieds on display tonight.

Oh, one more thing: I'm proud of the boys today in the triathlon. They worked hard and had fun.

I repeat another day, this time 82, on my next post.


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