Summer, Day 92

(Housekeeping note: I accidentally titled two posts as Day 82. As such, I've been a day behind in the titles of the last 10 days of posts. Rather than try re-titling everything, I'm skipping from Day 90 to Day 92, even though it's only been one day.)

Today was the boys' last day of summer before school began. Quite, honestly, it was mostly a clunker.

I didn't expect we'd do much today, and we lived up to that expectation. It felt like one of those summer days in which no one musters enough energy to get out of the house or to be too productive. Unfortunately, it came on the day before school started. I got a few things done, including some initial organization for the upcoming soccer season (I might be coaching Michael as well as Ben). We made it out to run a few errands. Lori went to a school meeting after work, so the boys and I ate dinner without her -- fish sticks and macaroni and cheese.

The day might have been boring, but the evening was nice. I took the boys and the dog to get a snow cone after Ben wondered a couple days ago why we hadn't got one all summer. The line was long and slow, which threw a little wrench into my plan of hiking to the H Rock to watch the sunset. We weren't able to hike, but I did drive to the other side of the trail, where the overlook is just as good as being in front of the rock.

We didn't stay for too long, but did get a glimpse of the sun briefly peeking out from behind the clouds and dropping behind Stansbury Island out in the Great Salt Lake. The boys seemed to appreciate the sunset -- we only stayed for a few minutes. I asked them what their favorite thing we did this summer, but Michael thought we meant today and said "getting a snow cone." Michael tried to pick out his school from the landscape below us (the haze didn't help). We drove home, and the boys finished their snow cones, got their pajamas on and went to bed. Lori came home in time to kiss them goodnight.

I hope the boys did have a good summer, capped with a snow cone and a sunset. I'm going to keep blogging until my 108 days of summer are over, and we're going to Lagoon after work tomorrow, but in the view of a child who doesn't go to class for 10 weeks, summer ends when school starts. The sunset on the last day before school start is bittersweet. It signifies a new beginning, but also shines on an ending. I remember the resignation of that last day of summer. At least the boys are excited to start school again tomorrow. I'm happy they are excited, and I'm looking forward to some more free time while they are in school, but hell, I'm going to miss them and our summer, too. That's my bittersweet sunset.

Day 93 is our least boring day of the year.


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