Summer, days 79-80

Two days to recap here. Wednesday I worked, and as much as I want to cram as much into these last days of summer, I didn't want to tire myself out for my shift. I ran some errands with the boys, then pruned the out-of-control wisteria in the back yard. Work was a little busy with the Olympics, but not too stressful.

This morning, we went for a hike in Millcreek Canyon with the school group we hiked with last month. This time, we probably hiked about three miles. We took Popcorn along, and she loved it, of course. My knee felt great. Two girls who were neighbors of one of the other moms came along with their nanny, and one of the girls, age 6, spent half the hike talking with Ben, age 6. I'm so used to girls fawning over Michael that it was cute to see one holding a long conversation with Ben, who wanted to invite her over for a playdate to see his rock collection and watch the movie version of "Scooby-Doo."

We were lazy after returning home, until the evening when we attended the boys' swim banquet. Ben got a medal for his season, and Michael received two -- for swimming and diving -- and was named the "Hardest Worker" for his swimming age group (and got a certificate for the achievement). I was very proud. The banquet ended with a pool party for the kids. Ours splashed and dived for an hour and ate some ice cream. Swim season was well worth it.

I took Popcorn for a walk later after we got home. Scorpius is still in the southern sky, further to the east every night. Twenty-eight days left to my summer, and only 13 until the boys begin school ...

One post, two days, again ...


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