Summer, Day 78

Another busy summer day. We are not going quietly into that last day before school starts.

I got a call this morning from the dad of one of Michael's friends, saying they were taking another friend to the waterpark today. Also going was another friend of Michael's and her mom. I had been resisting going to the waterpark this week -- with the sore knee and the endless sucking in of the stomach after eating my way through Chicago -- but remembered my goal to get the most out of these summer days. So we hurried and left the house for Seven Peaks.

The boys and their friends had fun. My knee felt better, though I didn't attempt the tube slides after the wipeout from last time. The park wasn't as crowded as usual, either. We stayed for a few hours, wore ourselves out, and went home to eat lunch.

In the evening, we went to the Skechers outlet to get new shoes for the boys, then went to Smashburger for dinner. Michael and Ben rode their bikes while we walked the dog to get frozen yogurt for desert. As usual, we concluded our night watching the Olympics.

Another twofer for days 79 and 80.


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