Summer, days 83-84

Growing up afraid of water, I dreaded summer despite the fact I also loved summer. To me, summer was primarily swimming, and because I didn't want to go near any body of water, there was always some apprehension caused by the knowledge that my friends and family wanted to swim and I didn't.

I got over my fear (mostly) and looked forward to the swimming.every summer. I was determined that the boys would love the water.

The past two summer days have been all about the water.

Yesterday, we went to a friend's pool where we swam. Today, we went to a friend's pool where we swam.

Monday first: We were so tired the morning after the concert that we didn't do much after waking up. But we needed to clean -- Lori was hosting a small meeting for school, and a member of her committee was bringing her sons. The boys needed to straighten up their room, and they took a long time doing so. Eventually, we got out the door and made it to the apartment complex of one of Ben's classmates for a swim playdate. The sun was hot, the water was a little cool (but not too bad), and all the kids splashed and played and snacked. Ben's classmate has a brother around Michael's age, and they hung out as well.

We made it home, tired, and welcomed the other boys we were entertaining during the meeting. Our boys, however, wanted to play across the street, so all six boys (my two, her three and our neighbor) engaged in a big squirt gun fight. We walked to Yogurt Stop for dessert, the other boys went home, and I was exhausted. I took Popcorn on a short walk, then was too tired to even blog.

Now today: We weren't as sluggish this morning, but we still got out the door about the same time as Monday. Our friend Maureen is watching a neighbor's house with a pool again, and she invited us to swim. We took one of Ben's friends and one of Michael's friends and swam for a couple hours. We got home and prepared for a bigger school meeting we were hosting -- this one for all the parents in Ben's new class. The backyard gathering was a success. I took Popcorn for a two-mile walk, and my left knee has barely hurt all day.

If you suspect I'm trying to get as much water time in before the summer ends, you would be correct. We can hike and ride bikes and do plenty of other summer stuff in the fall, school notwithstanding. Swimming outside won't last beyond another month or so. All these years later, I still believe that's one thing that summer is all about.

Onward to Day 85!


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